A Prescription You Can’t Fill At The Pharmacy

My husband and I spent our Memorial Weekend up in Dillon, Montana at a friend’s cabin.  It was my first time in Dillon and I was amazed at how incredibly beautiful it was.  Our friend’s cabin sits on a pond at the confluence of two rivers with mountains in the distance. It truly was breathtakingly beautiful there.

The truth is I’d had a pretty rough week leading up to the trip and I wasn’t feeling well either physically or emotionally. I’d thought about backing out of the trip because of that, but I am so grateful that I decided to go because it was exactly the prescription I needed to start feeling better – I needed that time outdoors.

In an article called “A Prescription You Can’t Fill At The Pharmacy” written by Jamie Ducharme in Time it shares several health benefits of going outdoors and explains that doctors actually have begun prescribing “nature prescriptions” for their patients to spend time outdoors. It cites these benefits of going outdoors:

RELAXATION:  Studies have shown that spending time outdoors can decrease levels of the hormone cortisol, lower blood pressure and reduce other markers of stress.

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY:  Exercise is an important pillar of health, and going outside encourages you to get moving, whether by hiking, biking, gardening, or strolling.

SOCIAL SUPPORT:  Parks are inherently social places. Seeing and interacting with others guards against loneliness – a major public-health threat—and fosters community.

MENTAL HEALTH:  Research has shown that spending time in green space can lift mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, including rumination and feelings of worthlessness.

FRESH AIR:  Pollution is linked to a number of ills, ranging from respiratory problems, to cancer and heart disease – so breathing clean air may reduce your risks.

AWE:   Soaking in the arresting beauty of nature has been found to lower levels of inflammation in the body and spark feelings of generosity, perspective, and selflessness.

Speaking of awe, here’s a few pics of where we were:

Time Outdoors – Best prescription EVER!

~Amy Rees Anderson (author of the book “What Awesome Looks Like: How To Excel in Business & Life” )

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