An Act Of Unprecedented Love

Today’s post is a guest post written by Ashley Anderson Hill, daughter of Amy Rees Anderson:

An Act of Unprecedented Love

Last night and today I had the opportunity to witness an act (more of like a few small millions of acts) of unprecedented love from a grandma to her family. My angel mother taught me more in 24 hours than any college course or textbook could have taught me over 4 years. Last night my Mom showed me what pure love, sacrifice, and commitment really are.

To give some context, my brother and his wife were on a quick trip out of state for the weekend in which time my parents were watching their baby. He wasn’t keeping down liquids, had a high temperature, and it quickly became apparent that he had the flu.  After texting his pediatrician, they took him to the InstaCare who then directed them to Primary Children’s Hospital.

I sat back and watched as my Mom dropped everything in her insanely busy life to take care of her grandbaby. No questions, no hesitations. Her and my Dad stayed a total of 2 nights and 2 days in a hospital bed quarantined with a crying, colicky, sick baby. Though, I should add that my Dad was only able to stay for 1 night since the second night he became violently ill with the same flu. As I took my Dad’s place for the second overnight stay, I saw what I hope every child gets to witness from their parent. I saw a woman who was absolutely exhausted and didn’t get any sleep the night before. I saw a woman who hadn’t showered or gotten ready for over 24 hours. I saw a woman set aside her daily blog that she hasn’t missed once in almost over 10 years. I saw a woman who didn’t wear a mask for her own health since that same grandbaby went ballistic on anyone who even slightly resembled a doctor. I saw a woman who at 2am in the morning and every hour on the hour after that would be woken up by doctors, a screaming baby, and beeping monitors. I saw a woman who didn’t care about any of that. I saw a woman who had nothing but the purest form of love for her family, and who would do anything it took to help them. I saw my Mom.

I know this is not a rarity. I want to thank all the incredible moms and dads, grandmas and grandpas, aunts and uncles, sisters and brothers, caretakers, and anyone else who has ever helped someone in need. Thank you for your incredible service, examples, and unprecedented love. The world needs more people like you.

And an overall thank you to the world greatest Mom for teaching me one of the worlds greatest lessons. I love you Mom!

~Ashley Anderson Hill  (daughter of Amy Rees Anderson)


  • Rollin says:

    Thank you Ashley I couldn’t have said it better. Thank you Amy! You are a Rock star! And thank you to my Mom Loa Anderson. I have many memories of you taking care of me while I was sick.

  • Brenda says:

    Beautifully written and great tribute!
    Dalton and Alexis left their boy in perfect hands!

  • Jacque Millard says:

    While I am not surprised that Amy would do all of that (she is Wonder Woman after all), it is so sweet that you would also take time to write this blog so she didn’t mess up her 10 year streak!

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