Bust Out Those Hoodies and Pass The Candy Corn!

I cannot believe it is the middle of October already! Holy cats people, it’s time to bust out those hoodies and pass the candy corn because Fall is officially in season and Halloween is only a few weeks away!  That means we get to carve pumpkins for the front porch, we get to bust out our decorations for the yard, and go pick fall colored leaves for the table, and make pumpkin cookies and pumpkin bread and pumpkin whatever else your heart can imagine (or in my case, go buy it at the store…don’t judge me…I can still get into heaven even if I do buy my pumpkin bread… 🙂 ). And let’s not forget to mention it means Friday night football games (go BYU!) with us all bundled up in our sweaters and scarves. Yes Fall is one of the most fun and exciting times of the year.

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” – L.M. Montgomery Anne of Green Gables

We need to all take the time to ENJOY OCTOBER! Don’t let this Fall season race by…pay attention to it… have fun with it… And as the weekend is almost upon us I suggest you start planning your Halloween costumes now so you aren’t stuck wearing some sad little costume that was the only thing left on the shelves come the day before Halloween.  In my opinion we are NEVER too old to dress up in a costume for Halloween! And we are never too old to get excited about getting candy! Did I mention I love Halloween candy…cause I do…

In order to ensure the season doesn’t pass by you , stop and schedule the fun things you want to do for fall: Go get your pumpkins if you don’t already have them, pick apples at a local orchard, decorate your front porch, take a drive through the canyons and look at the fall colors – you can even have a photography competition where you all take your cameras to see who can take the best picture along your drive and give the best one a prize, go to a haunted house, make caramel apples, go to a corn maze, schedule your family Christmas card photos, go on a hayride, roast pumpkin seeds, book a scary movie night, plan a flag football game, hold your own “pep rally”, have a football game viewing party where everyone brings a treat to share. There are a zillion fun things for us to do in this season, so we should take advantage of them all! But if you don’t schedule them they won’t happen, so plan it out!

“Appreciate life as it happens. Moments will soon pass and you will wish you had treasured them more.”

Treasure your time this weekend 🙂 …and have a blast!

~Amy Rees Anderson

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