Don’t let the backlog of work ruin this week!

Can I just put it out there that facing the real world after a long holiday is seriously terr-i-fying! Really though…there is far little more daunting then having to actually face up to the fact that for the last month you have completely ignored all your incoming emails, phone calls, most of your paper mail, and even several of your text messages. It was easy to justify ignoring everything when we were in the throes of Christmas with presents to wrap and family to host, but now suddenly all of those reasons seem to have disappeared into a memory while all of the backed up messages have begun screaming “Here we are still waiting…and we’ve grown even bigger while we waited….MWAHHH HA HA HA”  It’s seriously feeling like a terrifying scene in a horror movie, except that it’s about to be real life!

That’s why I’ve decided that the best thing to do is TO DO NOTHING just yet!  I have my baby girl home from college with me this week and I would much rather enjoy spending a little time with her before she starts back at to the University next Monday then to face any of that nasty backlog of “stuff” that’s waiting for me. Technically the “holidays” aren’t really over until the end of this week so I am going to honor the holiday the rest of this week and have fun with her.  Plus she is WAY more enjoyable than any of that “stuff”  🙂

For those lucky enough to have a few more days off before going back to work – don’t let the backlog of work crowd into your week this week. Don’t even let it come into your mind because that alone is enough to ruin your joy this week.  Focus on enjoying this time with the people you love while they are with you. That backlog isn’t going anywhere, but the people you love will be so give them your focus while they are with you.  Don’t waste a precious minute of the rest of this holiday.


~Amy Rees Anderson

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