EIGHT YEARS! EIGHT years ago on August 13, 2010 I posted my very first blog post. At that time I committed to my employees that I would write a blog post to them every work day, five days a week, without fail from that point forward, writing every day except official holidays. When I made that commitment I knew that the only way I would gain their trust is if I kept my word 100%. And even though there were days I was so tired that the list thing I wanted to do was write a blog, but I refused to let myself consider skipping a day because I was determined to keep my promise. And keep my promise I did. I wrote every single day until we sold the company in 2012. When I finished transitioning things to the buyers I let the employees know I would be leaving in order to become an angel investor and spend my time on philanthropic pursuits. I was surprised when I started receiving notes from employees asking me to keep writing the blog even though I would be leaving the company. I was surprised by their request because I was no longer going to be their boss so they no longer needed to read it? When I shared that with them they let me know that they wanted to keep reading it as it was helpful to them to hear the lessons I was learning in my life. I was very humbled by the request and I decided that if it was that helpful to people that I would commit to continuing to post it. And so I did. I have continued to write and post a blog every day, five days a week, for fifty two weeks a year for EIGHT YEARS! That’s over 2,000 blog posts!!!
It blows my mind to think that I’ve written over 2,000 blogs these last eight years. I would never have thought I could do it had someone told me I would keep it going for this many years. I had never kept a consistent journal in my life prior to this and I certainly hadn’t thought of myself as a writer. I couldn’t believe when Forbes first contacted me after reading some blog posts and asked me to be a contributor for them. Same thing when Huffington Post contacted me for the same. And when Forbes Books contacted me saying they’d like to publish my book (which I am in process of writing) I remember that feeling of “Who knew that my simple little blog written eight years ago would lead to all this?!” Certainly not me!
Writing this blog the last eight years has been one of the great privileges of my life. I know it drives my husband crazy when I come to bed with my laptop every night and start typing – sorry honey – but I have to credit this blog for allowing me to take the things I am learning in my own life and share them with others, and when I see the reports of all the countries where my blog is being read, and the numbers of people reading it in those countries, it motivates me to keep going and to stay positive and be strong. It forces me to look at each day and see my mistakes, acknowledge the lessons those mistakes have taught me, and it reminds me of all the things I have to be grateful for.
I would never have kept writing if those employees hadn’t encouraged me to. And I would never have continued writing for eight years if all of you didn’t take the time to read the blog and if I didn’t have the encouragement from your occasional notes letting me know the blog has made a difference in your life. Thank you for supporting me and thank you for encouraging me. You have made an incredible difference in my life and I am eternally grateful to all of you for that.
~Amy Rees Anderson
Thanks Amy. Keep writing! I read you from Madagascar!
I think that is astounding. It speaks to commitment and a willingness to be vulnerable – two traits that make you such a powerful person.
I have read them all and appreciated them. Thank You for all you have done for many employees and friends
Amy, I still read them all. I miss the ones the kids used to write. Keep up the great blogs!!!
Thank you, Amy for your inspiring and positive blog. It’s a great way to start each day before getting into the “nitty-gritties” of everyday work. It puts a good perspective on life and work. I think it’s awesome that you kept your word to your staff and am grateful that you have continued all these years!
I’m from India. I recently started reading your blogs. Your blogs are truly inspiring. Great work! 🙂