Finding Silver Linings To This Coronavirus Storm Cloud

Today was the only St Patrick’s Day you could wear green and not get pinched by anyone!  That’s just one example of a silver lining to be found in this Coronavirus storm cloud :). 

Another silver lining today was that I didn’t have to spend any time putting make-up on today, I didn’t have to fix my hair, and I didn’t have to pick out an outfit, all of which gave me at least one extra hour in my day.  That was a nice perk to the day…not so much for my husband who had to deal with my hair in a crazy messed up pile on my head all day…but it sure was nice for me.

I know that all sounds silly, but the reality is that looking for the little silver linings like that every day we go through this time is a great way to help yourself stay a little more positive during the lockdown. I’d even suggest hanging a poster on the wall to have your family all start writing down the silver linings each day in a collage to help you all appreciate those as they come. If you want to make it more fun for kids you could even cut the poster out in the shape of a big rain cloud with a silver outline to it to hang on the wall.  The point is to have that reminder to make you focus on thinking about the silver linings that happen in your day and sometimes a visual reminder is the best way to make sure it happens.

The more we look for the good, the faster we will find it.

~Amy Rees Anderson (author of the book “What Awesome Looks Like: How To Excel in Business & Life” )

1 Comment

  • sorecarul says:

    Thank you Amy, I am sure that the silver lining of having to look at your hair (which I am sure looked just fine, speaking as a guy 🙂 ) was that he had you by his side or in close vicinity the entire day. Thinking of a “normal” work day when I spend a max 2.5 hours with my beloved spouse this is a huge improvement.
    And yes Amy: Happy St. Patrick Day!

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