“If words don’t add up, it’s usually because the truth wasn’t included in the equation.”

“If words don’t add up, it’s usually because the truth wasn’t included in the equation.” -unknown

Today I was asked to sit in and observe a situation where a person (whose very job is to be an advocate for truth) stood up and told lie after lie without the slightest indication of regret or shame for doing so. As I sat listening I was seriously stunned. All I could do is wonder: how could anyone possibly tell such bald-faced lies? And even worse, how could they do it and then retain even the slightest shed of dignity when they have displayed such an utter and complete lack of integrity?

The answer, I realized, is “They can’t”.

And is that really surprising to anyone that they can’t?  After all, how could anyone who willingly demolishes their own integrity by telling lies, half-truths, and knowingly misleading people, have any self-respect? They can’t! The very definition of dignity, after all, is “The state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect. A sense of pride in oneself; self-respect.” It would is simply impossible for someone who is lacking integrity to be worthy of honor or respect.

Another thing I found interesting is watching the physical countenance of a person who lies the way this person did. Their countenance literally reflects darkness rather than light. When you look at their face you can literally see the lack of self-respect they have because ugliness on the inside absolutely reflects itself on the outside. People who lack dignity have no outer glow to their countenance.

To the contrary, people who live with integrity are worthy of honor and respect and they have an inner beauty that absolutely reflects on their outside, making them beautiful on the outside despite any physical flaws they may have.

Integrity equals Beauty.  No amount of money or fame or power or pride is worth sacrificing your dignity and self-respect for.  And certainly no lie is worth losing your inner and outer beauty for.

Lesson today – Living life with integrity is the world’s best beauty regimen!

Have a great day everyone!


  • Neal Harris says:

    Sorry you had to go through this. Ask her to take an EyeDetect test-we’ll prove she was lying!

  • Edmund says:

    GREAT PIECE. Keep them coming.

  • keerti says:

    THE ORDER OF THE DAY IS described as r

    “Today. the celebration is for the “victorious”, not the meritorious. The depiction to the youth, is that one can be victorious without merit, and that merit is less notable than victory. The result, is the masses are selectively and passively affirming that winning trumps hard work, that theft trumps the pride of ownership, and that personal success trumps collective progress.”
    ― Justin Kyle McFarlane Beau

    the genuine and concerned are hurt and relegate for self respect

    I believe the BLESSING OF ELDERS and the strength we derive can sustain

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