“Set a goal so big that if you achieved it, it would blow your mind.”
I have spent a lot of time lately working on setting more future goals. Anyone who knows me knows that I live my life by a series of Goal Posters. Everything I have ever placed on my Goal Posters has always come to life for me…everything! It is actually mind boggling for me as each Poster I create happens in my life. I starting making my new poster at the beginning of this year. I decided to go slow in selecting items for this new poster as I really wanted to think BIGGER, and given that I had thought pretty dang big on my last few posters I was trying to figure out how to go much bigger and far reaching…Well I had only two pictures on my newest poster and one of them ended up happening within weeks of putting it on my poster, which was crazy because it was a huge huge goal that I wasn’t even sure how I could possibly accomplish it. I can’t even describe to you the power this poster has in my life. If I can visualize anything in my mind and get it on my poster it happens…that is a powerful thing.
When I came across the quote “Set a goal so big that if you achieved it, it would blow your mind.” today it was exactly what I needed to read…I needed that extra little push to truly not hold back on setting my future goals…so now I need to sit back and think about what goals in my life would be so big that achieving them would blow my mind!
Sit down and make a goal poster. PLEASE DO IT! You just don’t know the power it has until you have one made. Do it. I promise you it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Make a goal poster. Don’t just think about it – sit down and make it. It will be the best decision you ever make! And don’t forget to THINK BIG!!!! Blow your mind BIG!
Have a great day!