It Must Mean There Is Something Better

For the past several months we have been house hunting to help my son and his wife find a home that can accommodate their growing little family…and I am all about helping them find a place because the faster we find it the faster they can start filling it up with more adorable grandbabies! And given that I always wanted to have a huge family, but only had two, I have pinned my hopes on my kids each giving me 8 grandbabies so I can have 16 grandchildren – and I’ve already built out my basement to accommodate sleeping 16 grandbabies because I am trying to take the approach of “if you build it they will come” (tee hee).

Months of looking for that perfect house but not feeling quite right about any of them has been rough. Then yesterday we thought we’d finally found the perfect house in the perfect location only to have it put under contract by someone else today before we could take my son and his wife to see it. Such a bummer….

When I texted my son and my daughter-in-law to tell them the discouraging news I was so impressed by her response – she texted back “Must mean there’s a better house about to go on the market for us!”  to which I replied “That’s my girl!”

I love when someone takes a disappointment and turns it into a positive! I love the reminder it gives me to do the same. And I hope I do that for others as well.

We should all try and help each other see the positive through our disappointments. It doesn’t take much…just a few encouraging words in a text, or in person, or on the phone. And it does so much good for all of us.

Thanks Alexis for reminding me to stay positive today! I’m  going to try and do the same for someone else tomorrow so I can pay it forward.

Have a happy, positive day!

~Amy Rees Anderson

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