I knew when I went to bed last night that I was in trouble. I had pushed my body way too hard the last few weeks leading up to my son’s wedding and especially this past weekend, getting almost no sleep at all. After seeing off the last of our extended family that had come to stay with us for the wedding yesterday and finally climbing into bed I could feel that my body was about to yell “payback!” for all the stress I had put on it. And yell it did!
I woke up so sick it wasn’t even funny and I instantly knew
So today I have been holed up in my bed with a bottle of Nyquil and a box of tissues…no fun at all! And I swear I make the world’s worst patient. I feel like a caged animal when I am sick in bed and all I can do is think of everything I should be getting done but can’t. Being sick is something I just don’t have time for dang it!
I was feeling a little sorry for myself until someone sent me this quote:
“Being sick is just your body’s way of saying you’re way too awesome and you need to slow down so everyone else can catch up.”
I love people who find a way to make us laugh when we are feeling down. That and today I love my bottle of Nyquil. So I am going to take a little more of it right now and try to get back to sleep…which means I need to stop typing this blog and put the laptop away…because I have a feeling that blogging and Nyquil just won’t mix…
Here’s hoping for good health tomorrow!
I know that feeling all to well Amy. Take care of yourself because that’s priority #1! I got sick last Monday and I was more miserable about my lack of productivity than how sick I was! Anyway – get better fast! Jana
Hi Amy.. wish you good health and take care to continue writ more successful blogs .