It’s What We Do For Others That Makes Us A Success

There is a fabulous quote by Calvin Coolidge that states:

“No person was ever honored for what he received, but what he gave.”

That is so true!  What impresses me most about people isn’t what they have received in their life, but for the fact that they use what they have to reach out and help others, because that is what they will be most remembered for someday.

Doing kind things for others, whether it be small things like a smile or a nice word, or whether it is big things like helping someone out in need or helping someone do something that they can’t do for themselves, that is the key to finding your own happiness and your own success in life.

“Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It’s what you do for others.” ~Danny Thomas

Don’t ever discount the meaning of the small things you can do for someone.  Don’t pass up the opportunities that come throughout your day to lift someone else’s spirits, to give a compliment, to say thank you, to smile, to lend a hand.  Be willing to help the people around you in any way that you can because you truly never know what impact you have made in that person’s life, and the fact is that it may have been a small thing to you but it may be the entire world to the other person you helped.  You just never know.  One of my favorite quotes from the bible is:

“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”


I LOVE that! So let’s all make a special effort to give more of ourselves. Let’s all do something kind for someone else whether it’s big or small…because every day we do that we can consider that day a HUGE SUCCESS!


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