Life Is Better With Friends

I have learned through the years that family isn’t just made up of blood…it is made up of those people in your life who build you up while giving you input on how you can improve, those who help put a smile on your face, those who pick you up when you’re feeling down, those who show up when you need them, those who support you in good times and bad, and those who stand by you and love you unconditionally. Those people are not just your friends…they become your family too.

I have been so blessed in my life to have alot of amazing friends. I honestly am blown away at the quality of friends that surround me and my family. They have done so much to let us know that they care. They have helped us when we needed picking up and they have celebrated us when there was cause for joy. I cannot even begin to imagine my life without my friends and I am thankful for them every day.

Someone once reminded me that we should never take our friendships for granted. They told me, “We need to invest in those people who invest in us.” Meaning, that to HAVE good friends in our lives we have to BE good friends in return. That is something I am trying hard to do in my life. I spent so many years of my life working crazy long hours, first as a single mom, and then as the CEO of a big company, and I never had time to go play with friends or even to go grab a lunch and catch up. So once i sold my company a few years ago I made it a priority to do more of hose little things with friends that mean a lot in letting people know we care and value them. Heaven knows I would never want any of my friends to feel they don’t matter to me becuase they do, tremendously.

I love Robert Brault’s quote:

“Most of us don’t need a psychiatric therapist as much as a friend to be silly with.”

SO TRUE! Friends can make everything in life seem better and more bearable. Friends make you “laugh a little louder, smile a little brighter, and live a little better.”

If you want better friendships in life then be a better friend to others. When they are the right kind of friend it will always come back to you tenfold. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The only way to have a friend is to be a friend.”

I want my friends to know how much they mean to me and how grateful I am for them. I have been humbled by their support especially this week with my son getting married. It is so heartwarming to see your friends treat your children with such kindness. They truly do feel like family. And I hope to always give back to them the same love and support they have given to me.

Have an awesome day! And thank you for being my friends 🙂




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