Make Sure You Word Your Prayer Right The First Time

Today I learned why it’s really important to make sure you word your prayers right the first time. After spending three days in the hospital with my flu-stricken grandbaby last weekend into Monday, and having the doctors and nurses tell me that there was about a 100% chance I’d end up sick myself I got really worried as I had committed to do a big keynote speech at Utah State University last night to some 400 students and I was to do my first book signing event for them right afterwards. So from the time we were released from the hospital Monday I made the focus of my prayers, after first praying for my grandbaby to be restored to full health, to ask that I wouldn’t get sick so I could still go and do my talk that the University was counting on me to come and give.

Then this morning I realized, I should have worded that prayer a little differently….I had gone down for a meeting this morning at a different University feeling a bit tired and worn out from the crazy week I’ve had so far and getting home late from my big event last night, but overall feeling okay. Then sitting in my lunch meeting I suddenly felt like a mack truck had come barreling right into my gut….NOOOOOO!!!! I CAN’T GET SICK! I have so much to do!!! And I am already so far behind from being out of pocket so many days!   As I jumped into my car to drive home I tried explaining all that to my body thinking surely my body was reasonable enough to understand how busy I am and that there is no time to be sick, only to have my body respond, “nice try….”

For the last several hours I have been home in bed curled up in the fetal position saying, “Heavenly Father, remember that prayer I offered asking to stay healthy so I could get through my talk and book signing last night…yeah… what I really meant to say was that I’d like to stay healthy period…any chance I could submit a redo?”

Let’s hope He grants me the redo on that prayer and I can feel better in the morning. But guaranteed I’m gonna be far more careful from now on to word my prayers right the first time!

~Amy Rees Anderson

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1 Comment

  • Barb Emahiser says:

    Remember two things. 1. We sometimes get suck to allow (or even force!) us some much needed rest. And 2. God always answers our prayers. He always knows the best answer better than we know what to ask. Feel better soon and enjoy the rest! We love you!

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