“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it“

“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it.”  – H.E. Lucckock

The last few days my husband and I have been meeting with people who have all dedicated their time, talents and resources to helping to lift the lives of others.  Seeing the power that comes from having a group of individuals with common values working toward accomplishing great things together is awe inspiring. There is a multiplier effect that happens when we come together and work as a team. It’s not just 1+1 equaling 2. It is more like 1 times a hundred in the effect that each person has when they pull together.

I love that opening quote because it reminds us that one person can whistle a beautiful tune by themselves, they can never produce a symphony on their own. To play a symphony people must come together, each bringing with them their different instruments such as their differing experience, their differing talents, their differing God-given gifts…and they must choose to play together in order to create the beautiful harmonies that become a masterpiece.

Take advantage of opportunities to come together with others with similar values in order to amplify your efforts. And have a wonderful start to your week!

~Amy Rees Anderson

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