Set A Goal So Big It Scares You!

When is the last time that you set a goal so big that it scared you? I’m talking about having a vision that is so big that when you think about making it your goal that little fear voice in your head says, “…eeee….I don’t know if I’m ready to take that on…”  The kind of goal that is exhilarating to think about, yet the thought of committing to take it on seems terrifying? That’s the kind of goal we need to have!!!

When we set a massive goal for ourselves, or as some people call it a Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG), it does three big things for us:

1. When you are focused on accomplishing something massive it makes the little steps you have to do to get there seem so small in comparison to the final outcome that they feel far less intimidating.

2. When your end game is ridiculously huge it makes all the day to day problems you face seem insignificant in comparison to the whole.

3. It is easier to get super excited and keep your energy level up when the end goal is something you know will be incredible to achieve.

Maybe you don’t think you are at the level to achieve a massive goal, but I can promise you that if you set one you will find yourself becoming the person who can achieve more and more with each step along the journey. And in the end you will be surprised at all you have become and all you were able to achieve.

Remember, you’ll know your new goal is big enough if it’s freaking you out inside to think about really making it the end game, and when your stomach gets a little queasy and those butterflies go crazy…that’s the right goal!


~Amy Rees Anderson

1 Comment

  • Mustafa says:

    Thanks Amy.You have given me something to think about and act upon.Let me try my best to accomplish my BHAG(Big Hairy Audacious Goal).And like you said start with small steps.
    Thank you Thank you!!!

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