So like most people in the world I always start my New Year off with the resolution to lose at least ten pounds. I do it every year with the best of intentions and some years I have done awesome and other years I have failed miserably. 2014 I did amazing and lost like 24 pounds because I wanted to look good when my son got home from his mission. But 2015 I was terrible and I gained 15 pounds back from the weight I had lost…sniff…sniff… But here we are at the start of 2016 and I have just six months before my adorable daughter Ashley gets home from her mission and you can bet your booty that I am determined to get back in shape again before she gets home! I refuse to be that mom that is too overweight to enjoy her life and who gets winded just walking up a simple flight of stairs, which sadly happens right now! So January 1st I began my Six Months to Sexy Program! And I am DETERMINED!
So determined that what I am about to tell you next will absolutely shock anyone who knows me personally – because those who know me are aware that I HATE to exercise…like I would rather do just about anything besides exercise…I don’t like to break a sweat, like ever!!! I avoid walking any further than absolutely necessary. I will literally drive around the parking lot for ten minutes just to find a parking spot two spaces closer to the door…no joke! So what I am going to tell you next will shock everyone – I actually got onto our treadmill and worked out for an hour every day for the last four days…yes…I know what you are thinking…pigs have got to be flying somewhere!!! RIGHT?!?
Now I realize it is only four days and that might not sound like much to all of you, but to me it is nothing short of a miracle that I actually got back on that thing for four days in a row so far so for me this is a serious accomplishment!!! And even though I am sore all over and I can’t say I enjoy doing it, I am committed to getting back on it again tomorrow because Six Months to Sexy has officially begun and I am committed.
Because misery loves company so much I thought I would invite each of you to join me in this quest of six months to sexy so I can have my own little support group of people to commiserate with as we get on those treadmills and eat healthy together!
So the next time you are tempted to put something unhealthy in your mouth just remind yourself that “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!” ….although whoever came up with that quote clearly has never eaten a McDonald’s Happy Meal….Just saying 🙂
Have a great day!
No doubt you will do just fine. I am giving up snacking after 8:00 pm and joining a gym in February which I will visit 3 times a werk. I need to lose 5 pounds and gain muscle. See you back here in 6 months for your report.
This is such a great idea Amy, Thank You!! I am inspired and it wasn’t even a resolution of mine! 🙂
Way to go Amy! I’m impressed you can last that long on the treadmill! I hate those things! Hahaha! If you ever want to try something different, check out my blog at I’ve been posting workouts 5 days a week. Some are more cardio, some use weights, but they’re all different. I hate boredom so I mix it up every day. I’m on Facebook and Instagram too! Join the Guinea pig revolution!!