Sky Castles and Goal Posters

When my children were young we would lay down on our backs on the trampoline outside in our backyard and we would all three look up at the sky together and play a game we called “Sky Castles”. In our game we would take turns building our pretend sky castles by saying what we saw happening in our life first looking out one year, then looking out five years, and finally looking out ten years. We would share our vision of our castle as if we were living in each time as we told it, as if the picture had already come to pass for that time period. It was a game we played religiously throughout their childhood years and it has played a major role in each of us in our family accomplishing some amazing life goals.

I am a HUGE believer in the power of setting goals.  I am an even bigger believer in the power of creating a Goal Poster. I believe that my life has become what it has due largely in part to the creation of my first Goal Poster in my early 20’s. I may not have realized its magic at the time I created it but as the years went by I became increasingly aware of the power and magic it had brought into my life. At this point it has become a true passion for me to not only continue to add to my own Goal Poster, but to go about making sure I tell everyone and anyone I can of its importance and its magic, so that everyone can have their lives impacted to the positive the way my life has been.

This weekend is the perfect weekend to sit down and make yourself a Goal Poster because we are about to begin a whole new year here and its a fresh clean slate we can start out with. To make your goal poster I suggest you start by making a written list of goals you dream of accomplishing in the new year, then lookup pictures that represent that goal and either print them out on paper and glue them to a poster board, or drop the digital images onto a powerpoint slide you can make into your background image for your desktop of your computer. The most important part is to create it.  I would also love it if you shared an image of your poster on social media with the hashtag #goalposter so all of us could be inspired by the magic it brings into your lives.

It’s gonna be a great weekend!

~Amy Rees Anderson


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