Tag Archives: accountant

I swear childbirth was less painful than tax season is

Ah yes, the beloved tax season is upon us yet again…that season of excitement where you have the thrill of trying to pull together all of your receipts and all of your records for every transaction that took place during the prior year…that feeling of joy as you calculate just how much money is about […]

“I love tax season” Said NO ONE EVER!

“Have you ever noticed that when you put together THE and IRS it spells THEIRS?”….ironic eh? There are very few weeks I dread more than the week before tax returns are due. Trying to pull together all your information from the prior year to figure out all your income and deductions when you can barely […]

Some days you just want to throw a tantrum…but there might be a better answer

When I sat down tonight to contemplate what to write about my day my first thought was to write about wanting to throw a temper tantrum at the end of a really bad day.  I had just gotten off the phone with Comcast’s customer service line with a gentlemen offshore who, bless his heart (its […]