Tag Archives: adhd

ADD, OCD, or TBD? Which Disorder Do You Have?

“Our attention span is shot. We’ve all got Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD or OCD or one of these disorders with three letters because we don’t have the time or patience to pronounce the entire disorder. That should be a disorder right there, TBD ‘Too Busy Disorder.’ ” – Ellen DeGeneres ADD and TBD…those are […]

The Magical Cure for a Case of Brain Fry

You’ve all heard of Brain Freeze I’m sure, when you drink something really cold too fast and you literally feel like your front section of your brain and the bridge of nose is instantly freezing and you are absolutely certain you about to face death at any moment….Well today I want to talk about a […]

Hyper-focus Mode

Do you ever have those days where you sit down to work on the computer and you literally find yourself so entrenched in what you are doing that you cannot move, you cannot look away, you can’t even get up to run to the restroom because you refuse to break your focus from what you […]