Tag Archives: anger management

How People Treat You Is Their Karma

“How people treat you is their Karma, how you react is yours.” – Wayne Dyer So often in life we find ourselves in situations where someone does something to us that is hurtful, unkind, ungrateful, unfair, unwarranted, dishonest, or a myriad of other mean things that hurt us or make us feel bad.  And often […]

Be careful with your words

“Be careful with your words. Once they are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten.” Lashing out, saying things in anger, yelling, name calling, demeaning, putting someone down…all of these things create wounds that are far slower to heal than a physical wound and they leave emotional scars behind that never quite go away. […]

Recognize It, Control It, and Let It Go

“Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” – Buddha As I thought today about the past events that took place on September 11th I couldn’t help but think about the amount of anger and hatred those people had that committed such horrible acts so many years ago today. […]

“How People Treat You is Their Karma, How You React is Yours”

What a great reminder and quote from Wayne Dyer (who I think is a fabulous motivational speaker btw).  So often in life we find ourselves in situations where someone does something that: hurts us, is unkind to us, treats us poorly, is unfair to us, is dishonest to us, is disloyal to us, is ungrateful […]