Tag Archives: attraction

Remember what it was like to get butterflies?

We live in a world where people go through relationships like they go through boxes of breakfast cereal.  Many have relationships of convenience or relationships based on “having no one better so why not settle for this person??”  Often times before ending one relationship people are out scouting for their next one, keeping their relationships […]

The Key to a Good Marriage is Finding Someone With a Good Heart

Relationships are a tricky thing.  Men and women are so drastically different in so many ways that it is a serious miracle that we actually end up together in many ways.  We communicate differently, we show love differently, we have different expectations, we have different emotional responses…we are just plain different. And is if our […]

The First Day of the Rest of Your Life

Yesterday was my 42nd birthday, which means that today is the first day of the rest of my life!  And if you think about it, for every one of your reading this blog, today is the first day of the rest of your life as well – and you didn’t even have to have a […]

The Magic Of A Smile

My day started out on a great note.  I was getting things done this morning and feeling a good sense of accomplishment.  But by the time 10:00pm rolled around and I was just pulling into my garage from a very long and frustrating day, I was feeling grumpy and stressed out.  As I came in […]