Tag Archives: balance your time

Time Is A Precious Commodity

We realize the value of our time more and more the older we get…perhaps because we become keenly aware that the time we have left is growing less and less… The irony is that our time right now is, and always has, held the very same value – a minute has always been worth a […]

Maybe We Should Just BE GLAD?!

I sat down at my computer at 9:30am this morning and here it is, now 12:50am at night (technically the next morning) and I am still sitting at my computer in the exact same spot…not a joke, although I wish it was. Today has been one of those crazy hyper-focused days of trying to complete […]

Take A Personal Inventory of How You Are Spending Your Time

Time is something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. I suppose that’s been driven by my going through several life changing events recently, like the death of a relative, and my children getting in a serious car accident, and a parent who has been extremely ill, and several other things of that nature that […]