Tag Archives: be present

Nothing Will Ever Be As Important As…

Having been out of town all last week and being offline that whole time made today really overwhelming as I was faced with the stacks of envelopes and packages that arrived during our absence and the massive backlog of unread emails, texts, and voicemails needing to be returned. It was all I could do to […]

For Everything Thy Goodness Sends

For each new morning with its light, For rest and shelter of the night, For health and food, for love and friends, For everything Thy goodness sends. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson As we celebrate Thanksgiving remember to give thanks for every blessing in your lives. Remember to express gratitude to those you love. Remember to set […]

In The Blink Of An Eye

As those who follow my blog know, I am deep in the thick of wedding planning for my daughter Ashley’s wedding this week. Today as we were working on getting the song list together for the DJ and listening to different songs when I was suddenly hit with this overwhelming feeling of sadness as I […]

The Good Old Days

Tonight my son Dalton was out camping and he was taking pictures of his son Flynn. He was reminiscing about seeing pictures of himself from when he’d been a little kid in that same place and now here he was taking pictures of his own son in that place. He said a quote came to […]