Tag Archives: be remembered

Be Relentlessly Focused On The Smallest Details

 “To create something exceptional, your mindset must be relentlessly focused on the smallest detail.” –Giorgio Armani There is something incredible about creating something. I don’t know exactly how to describe what it is, but when you are in the process of creating something there is an excitement and an energy that feels so amazing to […]

The Thirty Second Quiz

Today we are all going to take a Thirty Second Quiz.  Now I realize that the word “Quiz” probably gives a few of you PTSD as you start thinking back to the days when you walked into your college classroom and your professor would tell you to take out your number 2 pencils because you […]

What Will Matter?

Given the recent passing of a loved one my thoughts have been turned toward each of our own lives and what will matter to each of us as we face our time to pass from this life. I’ve thought about what we take with us, what we leave behind, and what will truly matter. I came […]