Tag Archives: big

Think BIG!

From the time I was young I have had an inability to think small. I don’t really know why I am like that, I just always have been. In college when friends wanted me to sell $10.00 lipsticks I immediately thought, “Why sell just $10 of something when for the same effort I could sell […]

If you achieved it, it would blow your mind

“Set a goal so big that if you achieved it, it would blow your mind.” I have spent a lot of time lately working on setting more future goals. Anyone who knows me knows that I live my life by a series of Goal Posters. Everything I have ever placed on my Goal Posters has […]

Try New Things!

“Never be afraid to try something new, because life gets boring when you stay within the limits of what you already know.” Many of us are creatures of habit. We get into routines where we do the same things day after day and we get settled into our pattern of living our lives.  We can […]