Tag Archives: black and white

Success will come and go, but integrity is forever

If I could teach only one value to live by, it would be this: Success will come and go, but integrity is forever. Integrity means doing the right thing at all times and in all circumstances, whether or not anyone is watching. It takes having the courage to do the right thing no matter what […]

Stay True To Yourself

As a young adult who was trying to take on responsibilities that I felt totally inadequate to take on, I came to learn that in order for me to be able to feel truly confident I needed to stay totally focused on living my life with integrity, as doing so provided me the confidence to […]

There Is Only Black and White, Not Any Shades Of Grey

When I was young I used to get frustrated that my Father always saw everything as black and white – there was never any grey as far as he was concerned. As a little kid I would always try to explain to him why the grey sometimes existed and without fail I would end up […]