Tag Archives: cover-up

Be The Kind Of Person Who Faces Life’s Challenges Rather Than Dodging Them

“Be the kind of person who dares to face life’s challenges and overcome them rather than dodging them.” – Roy T. Bennett On the surface it may seem easy to dodge problems, to ignore them and hope they will go away, or sweep them under the rug and hope no one notices they are there…and […]

The Anti-Responsibility List

I love watching, listening to, and reading motivational talks. I think they do so much to help us keep our head focused on good things and to help us continually move forward in our lives. Last Sunday morning I was watching KBYU TV and a talk came on by a man named Lynn Robbins called […]

Taking accountability does far more to restore credibility than attempting to cover things up

Last week I spent the week hosting a group of fabulous people on our houseboat at Lake Powell. It is always a ton of work to host a big group for a week but its also incredibly rewarding to spend quality time really getting to know people on a closer level without any technology distractions […]

See It Through

Over the years there have been many times I have been faced with situations where I needed to stand up for what was right. And many times I have had to be willing to stand up alone, which is never fun to do. It can feel daunting and even lonely to stand for what’s right […]

Choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong

Mistakes are going to happen in every organization because people aren’t perfect and making mistakes is often how people learn and grow. Some mistakes are small and insignificant, and others turn out to be far more serious, even bringing unpleasant consequences. What matters most when a mistake occurs is to own the fact that it […]