Tag Archives: dance in the rain

When Life Gets Tough Remember It’s Just A Storm You Are Braving And You Don’t Have To Brave It Alone

I love Sunday because it’s always my day I get to refuel my spirituality tank. I’m really grateful I am able to attend church each Sunday as it give me the chance to hear inspiring messages and helps me put everything in my life in perspective by reminding me of my core values and priorities. […]

Want to make things better? Figure out what role you have played in making it rain.

“If you are scratching your head and wondering why you continue to find yourself in the same storm, stop splashing around in mud puddles. Figure out the role you have played in making it rain.” When things go wrong one of the easiest responses to jump to is that of self-pity…”Why me?”, “It isn’t fair”, […]

Bring Your Own Sunshine

Most days when it rains outside we tend to feel bummed out about it and we seem to behave a little less cheery those days. But something happened last weekend that reminded me how easily we can rectify that. It was a bright yellow raincoat just hanging on the rack at the Mall. My 20 […]

I wouldn’t trade it for a thing

“Your best stories will come from your struggles. The seeds of your success are in your failures. You praises will be birthed from your pains. Keep standing. I have never seen a storm last forever. Seasons change. BE ENCOURAGED!” This past week my son and his wife decided to take a trip to Mississippi to […]

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…

When we look back at our lives, what do you think we will remember the most – the best of times or the worst of times?  I was looking through old blogs I had posted for my employees before the blog became public and I came across a posting that answered that question for me – in […]

Life Isn’t About Avoiding the Storms, It’s About Learning to Dance in the Rain

Life is full of storms and always will be. Some days are a heavy rain, other days a light drizzle, and other days are torrential floods. And the fact is that these stormy days will come and go throughout our entire life because no matter how much we wish it could be all sunshine and […]