Tag Archives: depression

“Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may actually be falling into place.”

Earlier this week I shared some thoughts on failure and how it is often our failures that end up leading us to the path of success in our lives.  It reminded me of one of my favorite stories that perfectly illustrates the title quote from today’s blog:  “Sometimes when things are falling apart, they may […]

The Grass is as Green as You Make it!

We are all familiar with “the grass is always greener” syndrome.  That syndrome that causes people to look around and think that something else would be better than what they currently have.  Most commonly you hear of people catching that syndrome in their dating or marriage relationships, although it can extend to other areas of […]

Grateful For Her Example

There is huge power in the examples set by the people we surround ourselves with.  Tonight I want to share a story of one of the great examples in my life.  My daughter Ashley is 17 years old.  For those of you who have followed my blog for a time, you are aware that last […]

The Magic Of A Smile

My day started out on a great note.  I was getting things done this morning and feeling a good sense of accomplishment.  But by the time 10:00pm rolled around and I was just pulling into my garage from a very long and frustrating day, I was feeling grumpy and stressed out.  As I came in […]

Why Me? (Forbes Article)

We all go through difficult times. Whether it’s not getting a desired job, dealing with a difficult coworker, struggling to get along with a boss, hurting financially, coping with health problems, or nursing a damaged relationship, we all have to face adversity and trials in our lives.  Sometimes the struggles we go through are the […]