Tag Archives: discouraged

Some Days I Forget

So much to do, and not nearly enough hours in the day to do it. I get so frustrated when I work my guts out all day only to come to the end of the day feeling like I have barely scratched the surface of what I needed to get done.  When that happens day […]

The Pursuit of Perfection

Perfection.  It is an intimidating word for sure.  One which can be the cause of discouragement and anxiety for many who might feel they are constantly falling short of achieving it.  I know because there was a time in my early adult years when I was one of those many feeling intimidated and discouraged that […]

Wisdom Taught By Example Of A Tree

One of my very favorite poets is Shel Silverstein, and one of my very favorite books, which he wrote, is called “The Giving Tree”.    It’s an amazing story of a tree that loves a young boy.  The tree cares for the boy, protects the boy, feeds the boy, and over the years ultimately gives every […]

The Importance of Paying Attention to our “Todays”

Living in the moment is not always easy to do. It seems that we all have a tendency to focus our thoughts on our past mistakes and feel discouraged about them, or we focus our thoughts on a future that we wait to someday have. It seems that we rarely focus on our todays, our […]