Tag Archives: encouraging

Choices And Consequences

Life is full of choices. Some are easy choices and some are hard, but the upside of choices is they are always ours to make and no one can ever take that away from us. However, the downside to choices is that while we get to make them, we don’t get to choose what consequences […]

Why We Do What We Do – From Exposure To Thoughts To Actions

Do you ever consider why we do the things we do? Why do we do the good things we do and/or why do we do the bad things we do?  The answer is simple – we do what we’ve thought about. And we think about what we’ve been exposed to. What we surround ourselves with […]

“Charity is expecting the best of each other”

“If it is our nature to criticize or demean, we can cause the voices of gladness to be silenced. We need those who bring gladness into our lives. We need those who give encouragement and reflect optimism.” – Marvin Ashton What the world needs more of is people who are encouraging and optimistic. The world […]