Tag Archives: experts

They may be myths but they are still a lot of fun

Myths, old wives tales, superstitions, legends…they are all kinds of fun to read about even if they turn out not to be true. We are 20 weeks in to the 40 weeks it will take to have our very first grandchild come into this world. Since the moment we found out our daughter-in-law was pregnant […]

A Laugh A Day Keeps the Doctor Away

We’ve all heard the saying that Laughter is the Best Medicine, so when I came home from work tonight feeling a cold starting to come on I decided I needed to do two things: 1. Drink some Nyquil, and 2. find some funny quotes to make me laugh. I don’t think anyone who has ever […]

Episode One of American Gnuity Wraps

Friday and Saturday of last week were two incredibly long days of filming on the set of American Gnuity, the new reality television series which picks amazing entrepreneurial companies from across the country to be mentored until the top 20 teams are narrowed down to the top three by all of America who can support […]