Tag Archives: fight or flight

Four Ways To Reduce Fear

In the article “Love Is Medicine for Fear: Life, especially pandemic life, is full of threats and uncertainty. When we feel afraid, bringing more love into our lives can help.” written by Arthur Brooks in The Atlantic, he explains: “More isolation plus more hostility equals less love; less love equals more fear. To reduce fear, […]

We Must Make Peace With Our Past To Truly Grow

“You must make peace with your past at some point in your life to truly grow.”  – unknown Sometimes we go through things in life that are so traumatic emotionally that we bury them or file things away, we tell ourselves to forget about them, and we put all our focus on the future.  In […]

Shaken To The Core – Literally

It was 7:09am when the entire house began shaking…and I mean SHAKING! I’d only fallen asleep three hours before that but I went from totally asleep to 100% awake in less than a second! Both my husband and I shot up in our bed and my husband yelled out, “THAT’S AN EARTHQUAKE!!!”  It felt like […]

Stop Defending And Start Listening

In yesterday’s blog I shared points from a Forbes article I’d written years ago on the importance of giving people honest feedback. Today I thought it would be good to share points from a follow-on article I’d written for Forbes on the importance of receiving feedback (The article was titled, If You Want To Improve, […]

If You Want To Improve, Stop Defending And Start Listening (Forbes Article)

To grow and improve is a desire that most all of us share. Yet, in order to grow and improve we must first be willing to acknowledge our areas of weakness; we must accept who we are in order to become something better. So how can we best recognize our weaknesses? We can stop defending […]