Tag Archives: fighting

How We Avoid Becoming Pawns In Someone Else’s Game

An Ambassador in another country shared the following sentiment with me: People who wish to do evil for their own selfish purposes (whether it be fame, power, position, or fortune) have figured out they no longer need to wage a war to conquer society – they only need to feign they are two people with […]

A Disagreement Does Not Equal a Debate

(Dalton Anderson filling in for Amy Rees Anderson who is recovering from a cold because I am a good son:) :  I had a discussion with some friends the other day over an opinion on a movie. We were talking about how we would rate the movie out of 10. One individual thought it deserved […]

See It Through

Over the years there have been many times I have been faced with situations where I needed to stand up for what was right. And many times I have had to be willing to stand up alone, which is never fun to do. It can feel daunting and even lonely to stand for what’s right […]

A Week To Promote Peace and Positivity

I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday weekend!  Welcome back!! This is a monumental week for the world as the United States undergoes the transition to new leadership. I believe this week can down in history in one of two ways – it can either go down in history as having been a week to […]

The Secret to Change

“The secret to change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” – Socrates A lot of things are changing in our world right now, and whenever there are times of major change, it often results in feelings of uncertainty, fear, and sometimes even dread. But […]

The Key to a Good Marriage is Finding Someone With a Good Heart

Relationships are a tricky thing.  Men and women are so drastically different in so many ways that it is a serious miracle that we actually end up together in many ways.  We communicate differently, we show love differently, we have different expectations, we have different emotional responses…we are just plain different. And is if our […]

My Solution to the Government Shutdown – Send In The Mothers!

“Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world”. -Marilyn Monroe Before I explain the title of today’s blog, let me give you a quick recap of last Friday.  Last Friday I was asked to be a speaker for Senator Hatch’s Women’s Conference.  Senator Hatch has been a long-time friend that I […]