Tag Archives: fridge

I don’t know about you, but I am SO READY for the weekend!

Perhaps my love for the weekends started when I was a child. Every Saturday morning we awoke to the smell of Mom’s pancakes….oh how I miss those Saturday morning pancakes being cooked by someone else! Somehow everything smells and tastes better when you don’t have to cook it yourself. And then you add to that […]

It’s Thanksgiving and I say “Thank heaven for stretchy pants!”

Each Thanksgiving we go around the dinner table and share what we are grateful for that year. It is a tradition we never miss doing. And every year in the back of my mind there is something I am truly grateful for on Thanksgiving, but I’m always too embarrassed to say it out loud, but […]

Needing a Vacation From Your Vacation

Anytime you come home from vacation it feels like you pay a major price for having been away.  For me that is one of the things that causes conflicting feelings about getting excited to go on vacation in the first place.  It’s knowing that you will have to face the punishment for having been away […]