Tag Archives: get over it

Was It A Bad Day? Or Was It A Bad Five Minutes You Milked All Day

“Was it a bad day? Or was it a bad five minutes you milked all day.”  – unknown Boy that question really hits ya doesn’t it?  Because we’ve all done that before – we’ve had something bad happen during our day and we then allowed it to become the focus of the rest of our […]

Maybe We Should Just BE GLAD?!

I sat down at my computer at 9:30am this morning and here it is, now 12:50am at night (technically the next morning) and I am still sitting at my computer in the exact same spot…not a joke, although I wish it was. Today has been one of those crazy hyper-focused days of trying to complete […]

Why Did This Have To Happen?!?!

I was working hard on preparing a Powerpoint presentation for a talk I will be giving at a University tomorrow evening when my computer crashed, and of course it crashed before I had saved my work. After hours of hard work I yelled out “Why did this have to happen?!?!”  Arggghhhh!!! So frustrating, right!?! At […]