Tag Archives: improve your mood

Making A List And Checking It Twice…Each Day!

We are getting down to the wire now as we are getting our last minute Christmas preparations done…I can’t believe we’re down to one weekend before the big day! As I sat making my last minute list of everything I still need to do and was checking it twice – buy groceries and don’t forget […]

DANCING WITH YOURSELF – If you’re not, here’s why you should be!

Given the title of today’s tweet I would be remiss if I didn’t start this blog off with a quick shout out to the great Billy Idol (a musical genius from the 80’s for those who don’t know who that is…but really, shame on you if you don’t know…) for his fantastic song Dancing With […]

Don’t Forget To Laugh!

“Laughter is one of the most amazing things in life. It is more contagious that any disease and it brings people together very quickly. Not only does it spread like wildfire, it is proven that laughter can have a positive effect on your body as well as your mind.“ It is really easy to get […]