Tag Archives: lockdown

Taking Stock Of Who You Are

 “Spring cleaning isn’t just about sorting through things, and getting rid of clutter. It’s about taking stock of who you are. It’s a chance to redefine yourself, to change expectations, and to remember that it’s never too late to recapture who you were, or to aim for who you want to be.”  -unknown One positive […]

Crying On The Inside Like A Winner

Whatever man decided beauty salons, hair salons, nail salons, spas, eyelash extension salons, etc should be deemed non-essential during this coronavirus clearly didn’t check with his wife first!  Because you know women weren’t consulted on that decision!!   And to add insult to injury someone decided that every phone call now needs to be a video […]

To Innovate Does Not Necessarily Mean To Expand

“To innovate does not necessarily mean to expand; very often it means to simplify.” – M. Russell Ballard Being in lockdown has required companies and service providers to innovate in order to keep their businesses alive. For so many years everyone has looked at growth as the indicator of innovation. Yet as the quote reads, […]

Shaken To The Core – Literally

It was 7:09am when the entire house began shaking…and I mean SHAKING! I’d only fallen asleep three hours before that but I went from totally asleep to 100% awake in less than a second! Both my husband and I shot up in our bed and my husband yelled out, “THAT’S AN EARTHQUAKE!!!”  It felt like […]

Finding Silver Linings To This Coronavirus Storm Cloud

Today was the only St Patrick’s Day you could wear green and not get pinched by anyone!  That’s just one example of a silver lining to be found in this Coronavirus storm cloud :).  Another silver lining today was that I didn’t have to spend any time putting make-up on today, I didn’t have to […]

What A Difference A Coronavirus Day Makes

The last 24 hours have been but what can only be described as surreal…from all of the Universities throughout the State of Utah shutting down, to graduation ceremonies getting cancelled, to conferences and events canceling, to companies ordering workers to work from home, to the Governor asking for a ban on any gatherings of over […]