Tag Archives: phone

Cut Them Some Slack, They Grew Up In A World Without Google

I’m just going to put it out there – the thought of having to teach an old person technology is absolutely terrifying. That’s why when my father, who is nearly 79 years old, needed his new iphone setup I was going to have my work cut out for me. My father is an incredibly intelligent […]

You know you have created a good product when…

You know you have created a good product when people feel they can’t live without it, and when it is taken away from them they feel like their universe is falling apart! Our smart phones are the perfect example of that. I was on my way to speak at a High School District Conference today […]

The Joy of Summer Vacays!

For those who do not have teenagers at home, the word Vacay means Vacation (according to my teen daughter anyway).  I am still trying to learn the revised English language used by teens today  – Deets means details, Deec means decent, Cray-cray means crazy, Tots means totally, and vacay means vacation.  Spending last week at […]