Tag Archives: reading

From A Cloud Of Depression Into The Sunshine

“To press on in noble endeavors, even while surrounded by a cloud of depression, will eventually bring you out on top into the sunshine. – Ezra Taft Benson Ezra Taft Benson also suggests several things we can do to help pull us out of a cloud of depression and help bring us out into the sunshine: […]

It’s March! Here are some Exciting Events To Celebrate This Month

What I love most about March is that it means SPRING IS COMING! Don’t get me wrong, winter holidays are great and all but I cannot wait for warm weather again! Plus the official flower for March is the Daffodil and who doesn’t love Daffodil’s? Did I mention how excited I am for Spring?? Spring […]

When’s the last time you read a book just for the fun of it?

As a kid I used to love reading books. I read so many books just for fun growing up and I absolutely loved doing it. The older I got, however, the more I started reading books for school assignments, and then that morphed into reading books for work matters to try and gain more knowledge […]

Choose Your Own Adventure

Remember back when you were a kid and they had those Choose Your Own Adventure books?  I used to love those! You would start off reading the story and get to the bottom of the page and it would say, “To choose to do <this> go to page x or to choose to do <that> […]

Don’t just hit it, knock it out of the park!

Once you agree to accept any assignment you need to force yourself to be all in.  Don’t ever take something on only to do it half-way. Life will be full of people who give you assignments that you might not get very excited about.  In fact, many of them you might even dread.  But once […]

Thanks for Waiting Up

Growing up I wasn’t always the easiest teenager.  I was stubborn, fiercely independent and ridiculously tenacious.  I thought I knew everything. I thought I didn’t need anyone to watch out for me.  And even though my parents were aware I didn’t want anyone watching out for me, every night I went out I would come […]