Tag Archives: rectify

Bring Your Own Sunshine

Most days when it rains outside we tend to feel bummed out about it and we seem to behave a little less cheery those days. But something happened last weekend that reminded me how easily we can rectify that. It was a bright yellow raincoat just hanging on the rack at the Mall. My 20 […]

Integrity Isn’t Situational

I recently have been dealing with a situation where I became aware that someone has been doing things under false pretenses in an attempt to get personal gain. When I brought these activities to light to those in authority to rectify the situation the person in charge seemed resistant to confront it. He agreed that […]

Life’s Short – Live it Honestly.

If there is one thing in this world that I cannot tolerate it is being around a person who blatantly lies. I can forgive a lot of things but I struggle to forgive when someone tells bald face lies. I recently sat listening to a person spew lie after lie without any shame whatsoever. This […]

Sometimes you just have to…

“Sometimes you just have to close your eyes, count to ten, take a deep breath, remind yourself that you wouldn’t look good in prison stripes and just smile and walk away.”  – Unknown Unfortunately we have all been in situations where someone misled us or let us down, and frankly it sucks.  It is hard […]