Tag Archives: reduce stress

A Prescription You Can’t Fill At The Pharmacy

My husband and I spent our Memorial Weekend up in Dillon, Montana at a friend’s cabin.  It was my first time in Dillon and I was amazed at how incredibly beautiful it was.  Our friend’s cabin sits on a pond at the confluence of two rivers with mountains in the distance. It truly was breathtakingly […]

Nothing Lifts Your Spirit Like Doing Service For Others

As those who read my blog know, I got really sick over the weekend with a sinus cold. It seems like every year at this time I get them and they are seriously miserable. And frankly I would have laid in bed all day today being miserable if I hadn’t already committed several months ago […]


I love hugs and I have always been a hugger. I hug everyone. It is just something I have always done because it makes me happy! But it doesn’t just make me happier – hugs make everyone happier! Did you know that every time you hug someone or someone hugs you that oxytocin gets released […]

Let’s Start A Smile Epidemic

Have you smiled yet today?  We don’t have to have a perfect life to have a reason to smile. Smiling is just a way to show God that we appreciate all He has given us. And each of us reading this has at least one thing to be appreciative of because the very fact we […]

Taming the Desktop Monsters

For those of you who have ever seen my offices, you can attest that my office is often times a disaster, with stacks and stacks of papers and piles of post-its everywhere you look. Just looking at my desk in the mornings gets my stress level rising. There is no feeling of peace when your […]