Tag Archives: refocus

Why This Weekend Is One Of My Favorite Weekends Of The Year!

Twice a year, every year, over the course of a weekend, there is a conference held in which around 35 amazingly inspiring speakers give talks on everything from integrity, to attitude, to finding balance, enduring trials, education, forgiving, service, gratitude, family, hope, happiness, and a myriad of other important and inspiring topics.  I get so […]

Don’t believe everything you think

This morning while getting ready for the day I was listening to a show with inspirational music and thoughts called Music and the Spoken Word. There is something really fabulous about starting your day off with beautiful music and inspiring words. It definitely helps you get into the right frame of mind to face the […]

Replenish, Renew, Refocus, and Improve

Every so often in life we all need to take a little break to be able to refill our tank, so to speak, to replenish our souls and to refocus on the things that are truly important. I often get so busy with everyday life that I forget to make time to do this, which […]

It’s Never Too Late to Change for the Better

As long as we are still alive it’s never too late to change our lives for the better.  And there is no better time to start working on it than right now, this very minute.  It’s always good to step back and to recommit ourselves to keeping focused on living life each day in such […]