Tag Archives: regret

Forced Family Bonding

Last week my family and I went down to spend a glorious week at Lake Powell with a group of friends.  We had a great trip, and although we all came home with colds…yet again…the trip was worth it.  We had gone down to Powell a few days before our guests arrived because we wanted […]

Sometimes You Have to Choose

Sometimes in life you are faced with a choice between two things that both matter to you.  Today I had that experience.  I will give you some background that will help explain the situation:  My entire life since I was old enough to have a workers permit (which I think was 14 years old) I […]

What Do You Want To Do Before You Die?

Life is hectic.  We go go go and we are way too busy and we can’t seem to keep up with the ever growing to do lists we have.  We spend most days just trying to make it through our day and hope to get one or two items done on our list.  And this […]

Do it Anyway

“People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do […]

Do Something Worthwhile with the Life We Have Been Given

I heard a news story today about someone who was been killed in a car accident. It made me stop and think a lot about how fragile life is. The person in that car woke up thinking that today would be a day like any other day, with absolutely no idea that today would be […]

Where There’s A Will There’s A Way

It is 1:33am and we just finished unboxing for the night.  I went to get out my laptop to write my blog and realized that I didn’t have the power cord. We tore through boxes looking for it but finally had to give up.  I panicked because I have not missed even one single day of […]

“A place for everything and everything in its place” -Ben Franklin

Today’s advice:  Organize your life BEFORE you move!  Oh my goodness how I wish I would have done just that!  I wish I would have had the time to organize my life before I had to move into a new home.  I have lived in my current home for around 15 years and it is […]

“The greatest concern in the minds of men will always be what could have been”

Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary.  Feeling overwhelmed and overloaded isn’t fun.  Trying and failing is a huge bummer.  But worse than all of these is having to live the rest of your life with the woulda-coulda-shoulda regrets that come from never finding out what could have been. Put yourself out there. […]

“What I do today is important, because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.”

I finished my day off today after going a million miles an hour non-stop from the moment I jumped out of bed (okay “jumped” might be a bit of an exaggeration, it was more of a begrudging stagger if I am totally truthful).  I was trying to respond to a hundred emails, answer a constant […]

You can either regret or rejoice

Choices.  We make them almost every second of every day.  Some matter, some don’t.  Some have lasting consequences, some have next to no impact on our life.  The most important choices we make are the choices between right and wrong.  I also think those are the easiest ones to make if you know your values.  […]

“A blink is like a teeny, tiny clap for your face. So even if no one else is cheering you on today, your eyelids are.”

Somedays you have to be your own cheerleader.  Some days you have to look in the mirror just like the little girl in this AWESOME video clip and say out loud, “I like myself, I like my hair, I can do anything!”  Watch this short little video clip and see exactly what I am talking about […]

Always Remember That Life Goes On

I came across a poem that has a great message and wanted to share it with all of you: What a great poem to read, especially at Christmas time?  It reminds us that life is short so why waste a moment of it being unhappy?  No matter what goes wrong, life is going to go […]

The Most Beautiful People I Know…

“The most beautiful people I know are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.  These people have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion and a deep loving concern.”   -author unknown People who have been […]

Be a Satisficer, not a Maximizer!

We make hundreds if not thousands of little tiny decisions every single day: whether to hit the snooze button, what to eat for breakfast, what to wear, what emails or calls to answer…and the list goes on and on, and usually we can make most of these decisions without having to put much thought into […]

Eeny Meeny Miny Moe…

Wouldn’t life be so much easier if we could make all our decisions with a little game of “Eeny, meeny,miny, moe”.  Seriously!  How cool would that be?  And how much less stress would we have throughout our day when decisions have to be made?! Yeah, well it’s too bad life doesn’t work that way if […]