Tag Archives: riots

Color Me Surprised – 2020 Just Struck Again at 112 mph

We started off our 2020 year with my husband getting hospitalized for what we later discovered was COVID-19. The pandemic hit the U.S. in full force and everything went into lockdown, toilet paper ran out, grocery store shelves were empty, Utah got hit with one of its biggest earthquakes ever in March, hailstorms happened in […]

2020 Needs To Be Sent To Its Room To Take A Timeout

They say when it rains it pours and they aren’t kidding. I woke up this morning to my husband yelling for me to come quick to look outside our back windows.  As I made my way to the sunroom it sounded like the roof was getting pummeled.  When I got to the back windows I […]

Indispensable Virtues

It’s been unbelievably heartbreaking to watch all the events that have occurred over the last week throughout the country. Tonight the feelings in my heart are too tender to try and write about them so instead I decided to share an excerpt from a talk by Jeffrey R. Holland titled “A Perfect Brightness of Hope”: […]