Tag Archives: road rage

Stuck In A Jam

Traffic jams are so frustrating! It is so painful to be stuck on the freeway when there is a traffic jam of bumper to bumper cars and there is literally no way to get yourself out of it. All you can do is sit there and wait for the traffic to start moving again. You […]

Practice The Pause

“Practice the pause. Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you’re about to react harshly and you’ll avoid doing and saying things you’ll later regret.” – Lori Deschene Similar to that quote is one that reads:  “Practice the pause. When in doubt, pause. When angry, pause. When tired, pause. When stressed, […]

Was It A Bad Day? Or Was It A Bad Five Minutes You Milked All Day

“Was it a bad day? Or was it a bad five minutes you milked all day.”  – unknown Boy that question really hits ya doesn’t it?  Because we’ve all done that before – we’ve had something bad happen during our day and we then allowed it to become the focus of the rest of our […]

We can be All In or We Can Get Out

Sunday night I had to fly down to Los Angeles for some business I needed to be here to handle for the first part of the week. When I arrived in LAX it was after 10pm and I was exhausted and all I wanted was to get to the hotel and get to sleep. When […]

Take the Time to Consider Every Angle

Today I heard a story about a woman who went through an experience that taught her a great life lesson about perspective.  I will try and relay the story the best I can remember it (since I wasn’t taking notes when I heard it). This woman was driving to the grocery store in her car […]