Tag Archives: sex

How To Keep Young And Prevent Aging

Welcome back from your holiday weekend! I hope everyone was able to make time for a little romance over Valentines. I know I personally have to credit my husband for knocking it out of the park with my favorite roses, cooking me breakfast, drawing hearts with crayon on my shower walls with cute sayings in […]

Great Advice From The Marriage Experts

Tonight my husband and I were able to go to an event to hear Dr. John Gottman & Julie Gottman, renowned relationship and marriage experts and founders of the Gottman Institute, speak. I first heard about the Gottmans when a couple we are friends with went to a two day marriage retreat in Seattle. They […]

My Public Service Reminder – It’s almost Valentine’s Day!

“To love a person is to see all of their magic, and to remind them of it when they have forgotten.” –unknown Today is my friendly public service reminder that Valentine’s Day is this Wednesday!  And to any of you who have a significant other in your life, no matter how many times they tell […]

They may be myths but they are still a lot of fun

Myths, old wives tales, superstitions, legends…they are all kinds of fun to read about even if they turn out not to be true. We are 20 weeks in to the 40 weeks it will take to have our very first grandchild come into this world. Since the moment we found out our daughter-in-law was pregnant […]

The difference between the fight you think you’re having and the fight you’re actually having

Several weeks ago I was sitting with a group of male friends who are all married and we were discussing their frustration with not being able to understand women very well.  One of the men had been in a disagreement with his wife and he was explaining to me why his wife’s side of the […]