Tag Archives: shared values

“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it“

“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it.”  – H.E. Lucckock The last few days my husband and I have been meeting with people who have all dedicated their time, talents and resources to helping to lift the lives of others.  Seeing the power that comes from having a group […]

When Good People With Incredible Talent Come Together

If you haven’t heard of The Piano Guys before then let me just tell you that you are seriously missing out.  These guys are a perfect example of what happens when good people with incredible talent come together…they create something truly magnificent, not to mention inspiring. Each of their talents are unique, and each one […]

Accomplish Your Vision And Create The Legacy Your Heart Desires

For part of last week I attended a summit where we discussed philanthropic leadership in Higher Education where Donors from across the country gathered together to talk about lessons we have learned regarding charitable giving to Universities and to share successful programs that have been established at different Universities and how we can all work […]