Tag Archives: stress

Getting Over The Fear Of Exercise – #TheStruggleIsReal

Anyone that knows me is aware that I do NOT like to exercise. In fact I often jokingly tell people that sweating is against my religion in attempt to avoid it.  You see, I am that girl that would rather diet than exercise any day of the week, which I fully admit is a terrible […]

As I Began To Love Myself…

As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth. Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY”. As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody As I try to force my desires on this person, […]

Do it now, and move on with your life.

“Every day spent procrastinating is another day spent worry about that thing. Do it now, and move on with your life.” Normally I would see that quote and think it was awesome, but on a day where you have so much to do you can’t see straight it doesn’t exactly give you the warm fuzzies […]

Heaven Help Me!

After such an amazing week last week and over the weekend the last thing I have any right to do is complain about anything, but after all the travel I have been doing over the last two months where things have been booked back to back without time to read emails and check phone messages […]

Overcoming a Midweek Crisis

It has been such a long week already, so when I realized it was only Wednesday I wanted to curl up into the fetal position and cry a little….of course I say that at the end of being awake for 20 hours already today and I am not quite finished with my day yet until […]

Do you want to build a snowman?!

When I left to work this morning there wasn’t a drop of snow on the ground, so imagine my surprise when I go to leave work tonight at 6:30pm only to find that it had been dumping down snow leaving my car covered in snow and the roads home a snowy mess. …And of course […]

We can feel JOY regardless of what is happening, or not happening, in our lives

“We can feel joy even while having a bad day, a bad week, or even a bad year!   …We can feel joy regardless of what is happening—or not happening—in our lives.” – Russell M. Nelson I love that quote because it reminds me that it is absolutely possible to feel joy whenever we choose to, […]

Starve Your Distractions and Feed Your Focus

Starve your distractions and feed your focus. That advice is genuinely golden. Lately I have felt myself being pulled in a million different directions. Whenever that happens in my life I inevitably end up feeling less happy rather than feeling happier. I think the reason for that is that when any of us are distracted […]

Sometimes you gotta pause to avoid a full stop

The last few weeks my schedule has been out of control…which I admit is totally my own fault because I had committed to do a bunch of things without realizing they were all happening at the same time. But believing I am Wonder Woman I decided I could handle it all and so I determined […]

The Link Between Traditions and Happiness

This weekend marked the beginning of my family’s holiday season traditions beginning. Each year in October my parents and siblings and their families who are in the area all come together and we go to a place called Rowley’s Red Barn where we start by enjoying their homemade donuts and apple cider for breakfast and […]

It’s Gonna Be Okay

Anyone that knows me knows that music is a HUGE part of my life. I love music and I love to dance. So does my family. You will often find us dancing around our kitchen or driving in our car belting out a song at the top of our lungs. I think the reason we love […]

You don’t need money to lead a rich life

“You don’t need money to lead a rich life. Good friends and a loving family are worth their weight in gold.” Last week was a week about friends and family for me and it was definitely a reminder of how our friends and family really are worth their weight in gold. From the start of […]

The only way to chase out darkness

The only way to chase out the darkness is to turn on the light. I am not a fan of evil or trashy books or shows. The reason for that is that they always seem to create a feeling of darkness that lingers in the house and I cannot stand that feeling. It leaves you […]

Have we forgotten how to stay sharp?

Once upon a time, a very strong woodcutter asked for a job in a timber merchant and he got it. The pay was really good and so was the work condition. For those reasons, the woodcutter was determined to do his best. His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he […]

Overcome Gratitude Deficit Disorder

Gratitude Deficit Disorder is an ailment that far too many people suffer from. I don’t personally think that people intentionally catch this ailment…I think people catch it as a result of getting too busy and letting life drive them instead of them driving their life. It’s an easy trap to fall into, but the good […]

So You Want To Be Happy?

“So you want to be happy? Then stop letting the smallest things ruin your entire day. If you’re feeling stressed, ask yourself: Will this matter in a year from now? If YES, then do something about it. If NO, then let it go. If you’re bored with your daily routine, do something unexpected, be spontaneous. […]

Do what you can FABULOUSLY

“I realized this week that I just cannot do it all. So I will choose to do what I can FABULOUSLY.” –Clinton Kelly Some weeks you have so much to do that you have to admit to yourself that you are never going to be able to get it all done…so this is me admitting […]

Things happen around us, but it’s what happens within us that matters most

My daughter-in-law came across a story I hadn’t heard before. When I first saw the title of the story I almost didn’t read it because I couldn’t imagine how a story with that title would be interesting, but I am really glad I decided to keep reading because the message it conveys is just plain […]

Change is not a four letter word…

“Change is not a four letter word…but often your reaction to it is!” – Jeffrey Gitomer Change is scary..it’s trading the known for the unknown. It’s leaving something behind without knowing if what lies ahead. It’s wondering “Will I like it as much?” “Will it ever be as good as it was?” “What if it’s […]

Declare your life a Drama Free Zone

Declare your life a Drama Free Zone – what a brilliant idea! Here is what it comes down to: People are going to disappoint us. They are going to make mistakes. They are going to hurt us and do dumb things. That is part of life. And it is up to us to forgive them […]

Let’s Start A Smile Epidemic

Have you smiled yet today?  We don’t have to have a perfect life to have a reason to smile. Smiling is just a way to show God that we appreciate all He has given us. And each of us reading this has at least one thing to be appreciative of because the very fact we […]

Spring is the Perfect Time to Take Out All Of The Trash In Our Lives

It is finally starting to feel like spring outside with sunshine and warm weather and blossoms and flowers cropping up everywhere. I LOVE it!  And with Spring comes Spring Cleaning. Yep, it’s time for all of us to wash our windows so the sunlight can come through. And it’s finally warm enough to open those […]

Some days you just need to go to the “Pooh Tent”

I’m sure everyone reading the title of today’s blog has to be wondering what the heck I could possibly mean when I say that some days you just need to go to the Pooh tent?  I’ll explain: Years ago I shared in a blog how when my children were young and they were acting badly […]

Big Decisions and Avoiding the “What If” Bus

We are all familiar with the quote “Decisions determine destiny” and I genuinely believe that is the case. That is why it can be especially hard to make big decisions that come up in our lives. Anytime I have a big decision to make in life I think to myself “It would be so much […]

I don’t know about you, but I am SO READY for the weekend!

Perhaps my love for the weekends started when I was a child. Every Saturday morning we awoke to the smell of Mom’s pancakes….oh how I miss those Saturday morning pancakes being cooked by someone else! Somehow everything smells and tastes better when you don’t have to cook it yourself. And then you add to that […]

“I love tax season” Said NO ONE EVER!

“Have you ever noticed that when you put together THE and IRS it spells THEIRS?”….ironic eh? There are very few weeks I dread more than the week before tax returns are due. Trying to pull together all your information from the prior year to figure out all your income and deductions when you can barely […]

You Can Choose To Be A Proactive Person Rather Than A Reactive Person

There are two types of people in this world…and it’s not those who like Neil Diamond and those who don’t (love that quote from What About Bob movie!)…it’s proactive and reactive people and which type of person you choose to be will significantly impact the life you will have. Let’s look at the difference between […]

If you want a thing bad enough

If you want a thing bad enough To go out and fight for it, Work day and night for it, Give up your time and your peace and your sleep for it; If only desire of it Makes your aim strong enough Never to tire of it, If life seems all empty and useless without […]

You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy shoes, and that’s kind of the same thing

When I saw that quote today: “You can’t buy happiness, but you can buy shoes, and that’s kind of the same thing.” I busted out laughing …and frankly after the icky week I have had I desperately needed a good laugh because laughter is supposed to be nature’s best medicine!  And I need all the […]

A Bad Customer Service Experience Gets Remembered For A Long Time

Tonight I have literally been going through a customer service nightmare. No Joke. It started with a cruise I had booked for my family later this year. I had spent a week with the cruise company getting the room reserved that my whole family could be together in. Day after day they would tell me that […]