Tag Archives: successful people

What’s in it for me?

“Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are asking, “What’s in it for me?” ” – Brian Tracy I have always been a big fan of Brian Tracy’s books and trainings and I had come across that quote when I was still fairly young in business and it really helped […]

Why We Do What We Do – From Exposure To Thoughts To Actions

Do you ever consider why we do the things we do? Why do we do the good things we do and/or why do we do the bad things we do?  The answer is simple – we do what we’ve thought about. And we think about what we’ve been exposed to. What we surround ourselves with […]

Why We Ought To Sweat the Small Stuff!

I’ve had many experiences in life that have reminded me how important it is for all of us to pay attention to every detail of any project we are given to ensure that we always produce quality results. It`s often these small details that can cause a project to succeed or fail. Years ago someone […]

Coming to a fork at the end of one road

Life has been really crazy lately but what’s crazy is that its not for any of the reasons I would have expected this time of year. I thought I would be spending the last few weeks doing Christmas shopping and preparing for the holidays and trying to wrap things up at work so I can […]

“Great things are done when men and mountains meet.”

I love that quote by William Blake, although I change it to read “where women and mountains meet” for the version on my wall :).  Today I want to talk about overcoming obstacles, mostly to help remind me of how I need to always take on the obstacles in my own life. One of the […]